Monday 3 February 2020

Internet prices in PNG

"In places like PNG, internet users tend to use mobile phones, rather than laptop or desktop computers. The GSMA’s mobile connectivity index looks at pricing, as well as other factors such as infrastructure, content, ownership rates and user skills. It rates PNG’s mobile internet connectivity as better than neighbouring Solomon Islands, but poorer than other Pacific nations such as Vanuatu, Fiji, Samoa and Tonga. The index has data on 165 countries and PNG is ranked 121st, meaning there are 44 countries with weaker mobile internet connectivity and 120 countries performing better."

Read more here in this article of interest from a former DWU staff Dr. Amanda Watson. The article was re-published by Post Courier in today's paper.

Dr. Watson (now a Research Fellow with the Dept. of Pacific Affairs at ANU), myself and another academic from UPNG (School of Business & Public Policy) are now collaborating on a research project in this area given the recent announcements by DataCo for an increase in internet prices and its impact on mobile data rates.

Follow me on this blog as I will update on progress in this research. 
The article was re-published by Post Courier in today's (03/02/20) paper.

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