

Tuesday, 19 January 2021

Raymond's tinkering project

I brought my 5 year old one-piece to the office today and after completing his daily math homework and doing a bit of drawing, I decided to give him some easy-tac adhesive. Beginning of this year I've spontaneously begun to give him and the elder sister math and spelling exercises weekly and leave them with what I call a 'tinkering project'. I give them some random objects and tell them to create something out of it.

So this morning after his homework I gave a small piece of easy-tac and just told him to do something with it. He came with an interesting thing which I could not work out at first what it was. I had to ask him to explain to me what he came up with in his tinker project. He then explained to me that what he did was a model of the corona virus. I laughed at first wondering how a 5 year old would even know what the virus looks like but then remembered that this was a product of what he sees everyday on the news, the posters, the paintings on the fences in town and perhaps the posters in front of the Diwai Mart. I immediately knew that children as young as him observe every thing around them, whether it be good or bad, and they like to imitate or replicate that in their own way.

Figure 1. Raymond with his Corona Virus Model
Figure 2. He explained that the white was the core or the nucleus and the spikes were made out of toothpick.

Friday, 15 January 2021

My very recent seafood allergy experience


On Tuesday 13th January 2021 my wife and I decided to walk out to the nearby Gov Stoa market, just outside the DWU front gate. It was around 7.30 in the morning and usually women from this settlement, and nearby Kerema compound bring their goods to sell at this makeshift market early before the sun starts giving off its first strong rays. We bought some stuff and were about to head back when she saw an elderly lady selling smoked fish laid out neatly over small patches of banana leaf on top of a container. She was casually waving what appeared like a magic wand over the fish to make them disappear, no (I had wished that later on during the day) she was just making sure the nasty little Musca domestica (scientific name for House flies..hehe) were kept at a safe distance from the fish.