

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Is my organization using IPv6 already?

"Many reports predict the Internet boom in the Asia Pacific will continue with strong growth in traffic, devices and users. By 2019, the region will have the most Internet traffic from mobile devices in the world. Another report on Pacific Island nations says recent submarine cable installations have resulted in an explosion of capacity. Across the Pacific, international Internet bandwidth jumped more than 1,500% between 2007 and 2014, rising from fewer than 100 Mbit/s to over 1 Gbit/s.
But those who travel the region know the availability, stability, speed, and security of Internet services vary widely from place to place. Users in some developing economies tolerate conditions that are unacceptable in the developed world, and which will seriously limit the benefits that the Internet can deliver." This is according to APNIC Foundation.

Meanwhile, the region is facing a growing list of technical challenges and one of them is the transition to IPv6. With IPv4 resources all but exhausted globally, IPv6 is the only viable option for the Internet’s future growth in the Asia Pacific region. While some organizations are embracing this, the transition is happening very slowly.
This big question is, do you know whether your organization is using IPv6 or not? Or more importantly is your organization IPv6 ready? Especially to the Asia Pacific small island countries.

Try the test.
If you do not know yet whether your company/organization is using IPv6 here is one way where you can find out.
  • Go to
  • As soon as you hit the link above, the site will run a test on your publicly available address. 
  • It will also indicate if your company is using a proxy server for internet access.
So from the test done below for Divine Word University, Madang PNG, here is the following information taken. (See screen shot below)

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Testing OpenWRT in VirtualBox

I read on many different forums about the advantages of OpenWRT and really wanted to find out for myself but I didn't have a wireless router. I started to ponder on the possibility of using Oracle VirtualBox to test OpenWRT thus this article. I actually came upon a similar project which was a bit outdated so I decided to document this. 

If you are considering to test OpenWRT without a router or you don’t want to flash the router firmware over and over again. Here is a step by step article on running OpenWRT in a VirtualBox environment. OpenWRT in a virtualbox is an image file run in VirtualBox. At the time of writing this article, the VirtualBox version was Version 5.0.24 r108355 (the current release is 5.1.18, download available here) & OpenWRT image version openwrt-x86-generic-combined-ext4.img (download available here

Download links: